If you have completed Beginner Lessons 1 & 2 then carry on with Beginner Lesson 3 below :)
Bottom row keys for the index fingers - stretch down, visualise the keys.
Left Hand - v & b (same finger) Right Hand - n & m (same finger)
fvf frfvf fbf frfbf rev vet fvf frfvf fbf frfbf rev vet
five fiver fib fibber very every five fiver fib fibber very every
jmj jujmj jnj jujnj jmj jujmj jnj jujnj
jim him tim rim hem them jim him tim rim hem them
jnj jujnj tin fin din dint tint jnj jujnj tin fin din dint tint
ten tent often den dent over oven ten tent often den dent over oven
men mend mended mine mind moment remember mend mended mine mind
Right Hand top row vowels:
ou ough rough tough trough enough ou ough rough tough trough enough
though thought through thorough though thought through thorough
house houses mouse mound mounds house houses mouse mound mounds
round rounds sound resounded round rounds sound resounded
ion lion mention vision visions ion lion mention vision visions
iou ious conscious envious mission missions iou ious conscious envious missions
Some phrases to type - use the right little finger for the semi-colon beside L
john mentioned the lions and tigers; they looked very tough;
the little mouse went round the house which stood on a high mound;
i remember the mission which is built on the high ground beyond the valley;
i rested in my house before playing two rounds of golf;
You have completed Lesson 3.
Repeat to get better.