Beginner Typing Lesson 2 - part 1 (Two KEY letters and more word practice)
Flex your fingers to loosen them. Notice the two keys G and H in the centre of the keyboard. Sit so that these are in front of the centre of your body. Use fingers as shown
Keeping your fingers over the two sets of four keys we just practised - stretch your index fingers across to G & H (left hand for "G" and right hand for "H") and type the following:
Both Hands
gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh
Stretch your Left index finger up/out to T (look on the keyboard) and type:
th th th th th th th th ght ght ght ght ght ght ght
feet fret get greet regret regretted rift drift gift gifted fig figure
dirt diet tire tired retire retired tried he her here the there
jut jutted jud jug judge judged hug hugged dug drug drugged
ugh high higher thigh tight fight right fright tight height eighth hut hurt
Flex your fingers again and your shoulders. Tap the table drill 1234 1234 Try typingasdf asdf and jkl; jkl; again for a line. Enter text in the box below.
freddie tried the fridge; the right fridge; keith agreed; the huge free feed;
red jug; guide the tight red kite higher; the hired guide urged the rugged hiker;
the right judge; the third huge tiger tried; true ruth tried the third free gift;
Beginner Typing Lesson 2 - part 2
New keys using 3rd fingers
LEFT HAND RING FINGER (no 3) - W & S (stretch the F finger to T)
wee weed wed were wet sweet sweeter wee weed wed were wet sweet sweeter
weeds weeded seed seeds seeded weeds weeded seed seeds seeded
RIGHT HAND RING FINGER - Introducing the letters L & O
lool look loot hoot tool fool fools lool look loot hoot tool fool fools
dull duller full fuller hull hulls hullo dull duller full fuller hull hulls hullo
toll tolls roll rolls told fold folds toll tolls roll rolls told fold folds
NEW - RIGHT INDEX FINGER - stretch the J finger to Y
juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry
jit hit fit dit wit lit litter jit hit fit dit wit lit litter jit hit fit dit wit lit litter
wet wets jet jets let lets letters wet wets jet jets let lets letters
MORE FUN PHRASES Use the right little finger for the semi-colon beside the L key.
try fried food; jets fly high; wet litter; try to fly; try fried food; jets fly high; wet litter;
folded rolls; fred looks duller; red toy kite; jittery jet; freds red roll looks duller;
the first red kite flies higher; let the wet kite dry; weed seeds;
little red dolls roll; toy dolls for wee jill; look for freddie;
first flight for fred; jill jilted hugh west; first flight for fred; jill jilted hugh west;
You have finished Part 2 of Lesson 2.
Repeat to get better.
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