Section | Menu Item | Description |
Start Slideshow | From Beginning | Starts slideshow from beginning |
From Current Slide | Starts slideshow from the current slide | |
Broadcast Slideshow | Allows users to broadcast the slideshows using Microsoft's PowerPoint Broadcast Service | |
Custom Slideshow | Builds a custom slideshow by picking the slides you want to run | |
Set Up | Set Up Slideshow | Helps set up the slideshow including browser/ full screen display, show options with or without narration/ animation, pen and laser color during the slideshow and the slides to be presented during the show |
Hide Slide | Helps mark/ unmark the slide as hidden, so it is skipped or shown during the slideshow respectively | |
Rehearse Timing | Allows users to rehearse the timing on each slide and the entire slideshow | |
Record Slideshow | Records the slideshow including narration and animation | |
Slideshow Checkboxes | Helps set or avoid the use of narrative audio and rehearsed timings during the show. Display media controls in the slideshow view | |
Monitors | Resolution | Defines resolution in slideshow view |
Show Presentation on | Picks the monitor to display the presentation one - in case of multiple monitors | |
Use Presenter View | Run presentation in Presenter view rather than just slideshow view Like the other windows based programs, PowerPoint 2010 also offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. For the current PowerPoint users, there is a major change in the way these shortcuts are being mapped in the 2010 release compared to some of the older ones. With a whole new range of features being added to PowerPoint, it is evident why there are so many changes to the keyboard shortcuts. We will understand how to read and figure out the shortcuts with ease. Step 1 − The first step to access the keyboard shortcuts is to press the Altkey on your keyboard. This will display the first level of shortcuts indicated by alphabets or numbers as shown. For example, the shortcut to access the Home ribbon is 'H' and for saving the presentation, the shortcut is '1'. Step 2 − Once you select the first level of shortcut, the second level of shortcuts for respective commands are shown. Notice that some of these shortcuts are disabled or displayed in a lighter shade than others. This is because the disabled shortcuts cannot be used in the current state. For example, all the font related commands are disabled as no text has been selected. If you execute the same steps after selecting a portion of text, these shortcuts will be enabled too. In some cases, there are two alphabets associated with a single shortcut; in such cases, you need to key in both of them immediately after another to get the desired effect. Despite getting a good grasp of the program, we may need help on the different aspects from time to time. To aid in such scenarios, PowerPoint has created the Context Help feature. With this feature, if you get stuck in any dialog, you can press F1 and PowerPoint will open the help topic related to that dialog. This is extremely beneficial as you need not spend time trying to browse through all the help topics just to get to the one you need. The context help is based on the active window and not on the object you have selected. So if you select an image and press F1, you will get the generic help windows as your active window is still the main PowerPoint program. If you select any other dialog or window, PowerPoint context help will show the related help topic when you press F1. If you continue to work only with the ribbon options on the screen, the context help would not work. But if you right-click on the shapes or objects and open the related editing dialogs, you can press F1 and can learn more about the related functionalities of those shapes and objects. |
Friday, April 3, 2020
How To Create Presentations In PowerPoint? (Step by step) Chapter 7 Running Slide Show | Keyboard Shortcuts | Get Context Help
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Beginner Computer Typing Lesson 7- Part 7 (Shortcut Keys and Basic )
"I am a beginner. I don't really keep my fingers on the home keys but I do type with all fingers. I tried a whole bunch of different websites and games but none of them worked. I am going into 5th grade. I was really worried that I was going to fail because I couldn't type properly. But now after two hours I can type properly. I still have to work on the speed but that will be easy because I know how to type and that is all thanks to this program." - beginning typer
ADDITIONAL DRILLS common letter combinations
BUT NOT using Z X C V B N M Q Y U P
Keep referring to your keyboard chart.
th the there these their this that this is; that is; these are;
they are; there is; with those thistle father other whether
is his this is his; this is his; is this his; is this his; wish list;
this list; his list; lists wish dish fish wrist fist kiss kissed
fist wrist list listed twist twisted twister this is a twister;
all wall walls fall falls hall halls taller tallest call calls
all tall stall stalls stalled walls; all tall walls fall; hallowed
wh where whether whose what whole where whether
whose what whole whew whist whistle whither whale
et wet wetter set sets setter get regrets jet let letter kettle
ill kill jill hill fills sills rills till trill trills will bill tiller filler
ttle wattle rattle rattles tattle tattles little kettle settle
sh she shell shells shelter shelters sheet sheets shift shaft
SHIFT KEYS - Use the TAB key to move to the next text box
Stuart St
St Kilda
And yes, you can still repeat to get better :)
Beginner Computer Typing Lesson 6- Part 6 (Keyboard Keys and Shortcut keys)
"Hi, I am a new Business Apps teacher (middle school) and I actually teach typing to my 6th graders. I got a new student today so I did a Google search and found your site right away. I started her out at your site and I have to sing your praises. It is awesome and the new student will be able to catch up with the class in no time. I'm surprised that there is no way to donate money to keep this free site going. This site will be critical to the success of my students. Thank you!
P u n c t u a t i o n - check the chart above for the correct finger position.
The comma is next to M and the fullstop to its right. They are below K & L.
To type a capital letter or character (*) do the following ...
Hold the Right Shift Key for a Left Hand letter or character
Hold the Left Shift Key for a Right Hand letter or character.
Type these instruction lines into the yellow boxes below them.
For the question mark, hold down the left Shift key while you type the / key.
For the exclamation mark, hold down the right Shift key while you type the 1 key.
The colon is on the semi-colon key and needs the left Shift key held.
For the dash and for the hyphen use the same upper row key, between 0 and =
The single quotation mark (beside the colon) is also used for the apostrophe.
For the double quotation mark first hold down the Left Shift key.
Type the sentences below to practise your punctuation.
If you practise your typing each day, it will soon become easy.
Instead of a comma - you could use the dash - above the P key.
Join for hyphen. First-class. Did you enjoy this typing course? I hope so!
"Hullo," said Julia to George. "Isn't it a really lovely day?"
"Stop! There's too much noise! It's giving me a headache!"
Press down the Caps Lock (above the Left Shift key) for full capitals headings.
Press to release.
Press the Tab key (above the Caps Lock) to jump across the page to line up lists.
Do not use the space bar; you may not line up exactly.
Brackets. ( ) are above 9 and 0 - hold the Shift key while you type these.
And these { } are beside P near the Shift key.
Hold the Shift key while you type these
[ ] do not need the Shift key so are perhaps handier.
They are on the same keys as { }
To Underline words first click the mouse on the U on the toolbar.
You can also click on B for Bold, or I for Italics.
Repeat this action (with the mouse) when you want this feature to stop.
You have completed Lesson 6.
Repeat to get better.
Beginner Typing Lesson 5- Part 5 (Home Keys and Basic Drills)
"I didn't think I could learn through a webpage but, I am typing faster and finally using all my fingers. I am surprised at how quickly I learned this new skill. Thank you!"
Type A with the Left little finger and P with the Right little finger
faf far fat fatter far farmer faf far fat fatter far farmer
fan ran tan jan land hand band fan ran tan jan land hand band
pot port pit put pop pup puppy pot port pit put pop pup puppy
purr top rope romp trap tramp trumpet purr top rope romp trap tramp trumpet
More with G - stretch out Left index finger
fig rig tig pig got grip green fig rig tig pig got grip green
ring ding dong song sang singer arrange ring ding dong song sang singer range
Q with Left little finger
quit quite quiet quill queen quilt queer quit quite quiet quill queen quilt queer
quote quoted equate equation equal quack quaint quote quoted equate equation
Z and X to finish. Check chart for fingers
zoo zulu zigzag fax tax text exit zoo zulu zigzag fax tax text exit
We went to see the zebras and giraffes at the zoo last Friday. That was fun.
Make sure you type the correct text in your document or it will not make sense.
If you enjoyed this typing course please tell others who would find it helpful.
I hope the course has helped you enjoy your computer typing.
Type this paragraph and the one below it. There is no need to press the Enter key to start new lines. Keep typing and the computer will know when to drop down to the next line. At the end of each paragraph press Enter twice to leave a blank line between paragraphs.
I hope you have enjoyed this typing course and can now visualize where each letter key is situated on your keyboard and which is the best finger to use for each key. If you can do that you will find you will use less energy, and finish your typing more quickly.
You have completed Lesson 5.
Repeat to get better.
Beginner Typing Lesson 3- Part 4(Home Keys and Basic Drills)
If you have completed Beginner Lessons 1 & 2 then carry on with Beginner Lesson 3 below :)
Bottom row keys for the index fingers - stretch down, visualise the keys.
Left Hand - v & b (same finger) Right Hand - n & m (same finger)
fvf frfvf fbf frfbf rev vet fvf frfvf fbf frfbf rev vet
five fiver fib fibber very every five fiver fib fibber very every
jmj jujmj jnj jujnj jmj jujmj jnj jujnj
jim him tim rim hem them jim him tim rim hem them
jnj jujnj tin fin din dint tint jnj jujnj tin fin din dint tint
ten tent often den dent over oven ten tent often den dent over oven
men mend mended mine mind moment remember mend mended mine mind
Right Hand top row vowels:
ou ough rough tough trough enough ou ough rough tough trough enough
though thought through thorough though thought through thorough
house houses mouse mound mounds house houses mouse mound mounds
round rounds sound resounded round rounds sound resounded
ion lion mention vision visions ion lion mention vision visions
iou ious conscious envious mission missions iou ious conscious envious missions
Some phrases to type - use the right little finger for the semi-colon beside L
john mentioned the lions and tigers; they looked very tough;
the little mouse went round the house which stood on a high mound;
i remember the mission which is built on the high ground beyond the valley;
i rested in my house before playing two rounds of golf;
You have completed Lesson 3.
Repeat to get better.
Beginner Typing Lesson 4- Part 4(Home Keys and Basic Drills)
"Thank you very much for this course... I love it! I am 35 and finally decided to learn typing, as I am tired of having to keep looking at the keyboard (and the screen...) -which translates in tiresome extra minutes every time I have to write an email... I am at Beginner - Lesson 4 at the moment and find your course veeeeeeeeery helpful... I will let you know how I get on at the end of it. Thank you very much indeed. -"
Left hand Finger 2, drops from D to bottom row C
ded dcd dedcd decided deck decked check cheese chest
cheek creek creeks dice slice sliced twice
Type these phrases using the right little finger for the semi-colon
type slowly with correct fingers; check the colours in the finger columns;
notice which finger should type the letter key you need;
when you come to tricky words type them more times;
To type Capital letters you will need to use the Shift keys, above the Ctrl keys on each side of the letter key block. Left of Z and Right of ?
The Shift keys are used also for Upper Characters like @ $ % * <
For a Left Hand capital hold the RIGHT Shift key - type the letter, then lift the Shift key. For a Right Hand capital hold the LEFT Shift key.
Try these sentences
The full stop is on the bottom row; use the ring finger.
The comma is to the left of the full stop; use your longest finger.
To start a new line, press the Enter key once.
Hold the Right Shift key for these left hand capitals.
Try to keep your fingers curved.
Do not let your wrists rest on the desk. That wastes energy.
The trees were very, very wet. We will get wet when we go outside.
Do not type for too long without stretching your shoulders, neck, wrists, fingers.
Hold the Left Shift key for these right hand capitals
Keep your legs uncrossed. Keep your feet on the floor.
It helps if you remember which finger types which key.
Look before you cross the street or you might get knocked down.
Jimmy took Henry to town to buy something. He bought four good story books.
You have completed Lesson 4.
Repeat to get better.
Beginner Typing Lesson 2 - part 1 (Two KEY letters and more word practice)
Beginner Typing Lesson 2 - part 1 (Two KEY letters and more word practice)
Flex your fingers to loosen them. Notice the two keys G and H in the centre of the keyboard. Sit so that these are in front of the centre of your body. Use fingers as shown
Keeping your fingers over the two sets of four keys we just practised - stretch your index fingers across to G & H (left hand for "G" and right hand for "H") and type the following:
Both Hands
gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh
Stretch your Left index finger up/out to T (look on the keyboard) and type:
th th th th th th th th ght ght ght ght ght ght ght
feet fret get greet regret regretted rift drift gift gifted fig figure
dirt diet tire tired retire retired tried he her here the there
jut jutted jud jug judge judged hug hugged dug drug drugged
ugh high higher thigh tight fight right fright tight height eighth hut hurt
Flex your fingers again and your shoulders. Tap the table drill 1234 1234 Try typingasdf asdf and jkl; jkl; again for a line. Enter text in the box below.
freddie tried the fridge; the right fridge; keith agreed; the huge free feed;
red jug; guide the tight red kite higher; the hired guide urged the rugged hiker;
the right judge; the third huge tiger tried; true ruth tried the third free gift;
Beginner Typing Lesson 2 - part 2
New keys using 3rd fingers
LEFT HAND RING FINGER (no 3) - W & S (stretch the F finger to T)
wee weed wed were wet sweet sweeter wee weed wed were wet sweet sweeter
weeds weeded seed seeds seeded weeds weeded seed seeds seeded
RIGHT HAND RING FINGER - Introducing the letters L & O
lool look loot hoot tool fool fools lool look loot hoot tool fool fools
dull duller full fuller hull hulls hullo dull duller full fuller hull hulls hullo
toll tolls roll rolls told fold folds toll tolls roll rolls told fold folds
NEW - RIGHT INDEX FINGER - stretch the J finger to Y
juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry juj jyyj joy toy roy try fry
jit hit fit dit wit lit litter jit hit fit dit wit lit litter jit hit fit dit wit lit litter
wet wets jet jets let lets letters wet wets jet jets let lets letters
MORE FUN PHRASES Use the right little finger for the semi-colon beside the L key.
try fried food; jets fly high; wet litter; try to fly; try fried food; jets fly high; wet litter;
folded rolls; fred looks duller; red toy kite; jittery jet; freds red roll looks duller;
the first red kite flies higher; let the wet kite dry; weed seeds;
little red dolls roll; toy dolls for wee jill; look for freddie;
first flight for fred; jill jilted hugh west; first flight for fred; jill jilted hugh west;
You have finished Part 2 of Lesson 2.
Repeat to get better.
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